Stellar Senior Living COVID-19 Update for Loved Ones

VACCINE Q&A with Dr. Peter Nielsen

January 28, 2021​


Last week we had an Ask Anything Video call with Stellar’s medical director, Dr Peter Nielsen. Below you will find the links to the video as well as each question broke out with research and answers. 

Full Video:

Why is it So Important to Get the Vaccine:

Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine if I have had COVID-19 disease before:

Will taking the vaccine cause you to test positive or give you COVID-19?

If most of the residents are vaccinated, do employees still need the vaccine?

What are the short and long term side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine:

Should I get the vaccine if I am pregnant or wanting to become pregnant:

Was the COVID-19 Vaccine Rushed? Or what if I don’t want to put that in my body?

More Vaccine Resources: 

More Videos: (CDC, 1:30) (Science Simplified, 2:15) (Science Simplified, 2:00) (PBS, 11:50) (Bill Gates, 2:29) (ASAPScience, 5:33)

Letter from the CEO, Evrett W. Benton

December 14, 2020

Courtyard at Jamestown Assisted & Senior Living in Provo, UtahCovid-19 Site  Communication Updates

 March 31st 2020
April 4th 2020
April 28th 2020
May 13th 2020

Stellar Senior Living News Room

Lincoln Court Community Parade
Stellar Senior Living New Employee Protocal
Creekside Senior Living Doing Things Different
Lincoln Court Senior Living: Idaho Fall, ID

CDC: Social Distancing


We are following the guidelines given by each State.  We are working diligently to keep in coordination with these updating guidelines. If you have additional questions please reach out to your community.  Please see the following links to see each States guidelines. 






Communities with active Covid-19 cases are not allowed visitation from non-essential personnel.  Communities without  active cases are being considered for limited visitation.  These are being reviewed on a case by case basis.  Contact your local Community for more information. 

The Dining Room is closed to the public. Per the state’s guidelines to limit “group gatherings” we are delivering meals and snacks to our resident’s apartments three times per day. As Stay at home orders are lifted we will begin regular dining experiences with social distancing.

Please see our reopening plan Link for more details. We encourage you to call, email or facetime your loved one as often as possible. If you do not have access to these devices, please contact our staff and we will make arrangements for you to be able to stay in touch. 

This means we have someone to greet incoming visitors every day during specified time per community guidelines, please check with local communities of when these times are, and then the remainder of each day we keep all the doors of the Community locked. If you are a Medical Provider or family member that meets the hospice or critical care requirements you will be asked to wash your hands and have your temperature checked and answer a number of questions before admittance and when you leave the community.

Yes, they can leave their apartment periodically throughout the day to stretch their legs or converse with neighbors in the community. These gatherings should be limited to very small groups (2-3 individuals) and is monitored closely by our staff.

Yes, but we strongly encourage you to prioritize the reason. They will be put on a quarantine upon readmission to the building. This means they will not be able to walk freely around the community and be required to stay in their apartment for a period of time after they are checked back in.

Please call ahead and a member of our staff will bring their dirty laundry to the front door for you. Simply bring it back once its washed and we will gladly return it to their apartment at no charge.
Each day we follow the CDC’s guidelines for cleanliness and sanitation. That means that common areas, doorknobs, handrails and any area of the resident’s apartment that could spread the virus are cleaned to prevent the spread of infection.

Every staff member is required to come through the front door, have their temperature checked and wash their hands before entrance. This process is repeated when they clock out to leave the building.

We are asking families to continue to supply toilet paper, soap, shampoo, conditioner and any other additional grocery items. If possible, we encourage you to bring a 60-90 day supply of these items. If the Resident would normally get these supplies on our personal errand days, our Activities Department can shop for them and deliver it to their apartment. (The resident would still have to pay for the supplies) but not the delivery service.
They will be required to stay in their apartment and be on isolation until they no longer show symptoms of the virus for at least 14 days. This means our staff will practice standard contact precautions and be required to where a gown and mask to provide cares.
They will be immediately sent home and not be able to return to work until they are symptom free for 14 days. These same measures will be followed if someone in their household contracts the virus.

This varies per community and City and State. We are following the CDC, state and local authority guidelines. In places where guidelines allow, we are choosing to be a part of the solution. As we continue to follow stringent guidelines to prevent the spread of infection, we will allow families to move their loved ones into our community under very strict move-in requirements. New residents will be tested for Covid-19 prior to move in and required to stay in their apartment under observation for a period of time and then pass a follow up examination before being able to leave their apartment.

This will be done over the phone, through email and by using Facetime or skype. We will not allow families to walk the halls or view apartments physically, until the threat of infections decreases.

Please follow us here and on our Facebook pages for the most up-to-date status on our efforts in regard to COVID-19, as well as the following sources 
for the best ways to protect yourself and those around you:

There is nothing more important to us than the safety and well-being of the individuals within our community and those a part of the local community at large. Please help us do that by following the recommendations provided.

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